Thursday, July 5, 2007

wtf black AND white

twins are born .. one is black one is white. we must come up with some new breed of racism to battle against this work of the devil.. or kill one or the other. these so called 'half breeds' are soon to overtake the hood/middle-upper class, soon enough white kids will rap and black kids will go to college.. FUCK . comeon.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

spice girls reunion

yeah. read the title we have waited so long, through war famine and plague and now finally the second coming is here.. this is the reunion tour to end all reunion tours. . . but damn they were catchy.. and who didn't have a crush on posh?

Sunday, July 1, 2007

no more fat

they say that trans fat is bad.. cause it is, so new york is banning it in all the restauraunts.. which i don't know if i agree with government controlling our food, but it sounds like a good idea so far.. 83% of restauraunts are now trans fat free in new york. i guess if new yorkers are skinnier iraqis can sympathize and not hate us as much?
ps the diagram looks like a penis.. err two penii